Sunday, October 21, 2007

Maui's Opinion of Yardsales - WHY?!

Recently, I observed a yardsale in my neighborhood. I noticed a few things about the people who slam on their brakes to stop for them.

First of all, it should be of no surprise to anyone that the majority of the people holding them and going to them are fatties. I mean my God can't you people find any other activity to do - I guess it is good in that it doesn't involve eating.

Secondly, the cars that they drive are either total pieces of shit preferably in the form of a broken down van of some sorts or new Cadillacs, which brings up another point. Old people who drive their Caddies and try to ever so slowly edge up and look at the items without getting out of their car are simply pathetic. You don't need to slow up or stop, you already know this stuff is what someone doesn't want. They don't want it because it is so great and they are cheap enough not to give it away and lazy enough not to throw it away. I want to know exactly what treasures you shoppers think that you are going to find and what you are going to do with other people's junk? Uh, I am utterly disgusted by the entire affair.

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