Monday, September 15, 2008


If I hear one more time someone say, "he is smarter than me because he has an advanced degree", I'm going to puke and then punch them. Ninety percent of people are not smarter than you. They either have had more opportunity or motivation than you. I can not stand when people use the past as an excuse to the present. "I would have been great...if" If what? If you had risen to the challenge??? Stop blaming your parents for why you smoke, drink and use pot or God knows what else! I don't want to hear it - at some point you have to step up to the plate and accept responsibility. It's okay if you don't want to do that, but don't blame someone else for why you are a loser.

The Problem with Women

The problem with women is that they do not think like a man. What man would have been running for Vice President and saying "I'm a hockey dad" as a qualification? No one. Women take their domestic achievements, such as being fertile and able to get up early and freeze your butt off at a hockey rink as a resume builder. And who in their right mind brings their family into the picture knowing that their are several issues??? Problems at home start at the dinner table, usually by not having dinner together.

Womens' problem is that they do not know how to remove all emotion from a situation and if anything try to use to it whether it's sexual or tugging at your heart strings to advance their career, which is why women are presumed not to be good at math and science - subjects where you cannot involve emotions. Once you take out the emotional factor most women crumble because they have to stand on their true credentials alone.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's the World Coming To???

Well, by now I am sure that you have all heard about Tom Brady. I mean cut down right in the prime of his modeling career and commerical endorsements. I am losing sleep over it. And there is the presidential race...McCain with a whore and Obama with an old man. Can someone tell me why??

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ilegitimate Children and Republicans...What Else is Knew?

So, I am sure that you have all heard about McCain's Vice President, Sara Palin. She seems like a lovely woman - at least I thought so. It has now come out that her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant, but she's going to marry the lucky Dad. When - I ask you? It's been 5 months - plenty of time to make arrangements or to have tied the knot. My question is what did the other candidates for Vice President have for skeletons in their closet - perhaps, the illegitimate children were even closer to home for the others. I want to know and I as a citizen of this country have every right to know!

Back to Prison

Well, my friends, I regret to inform you that I was sent back to the Chicopee State Prison for a brief stay over this past holiday weekend. First off my Daddy kidnapped in my Mommy's Jeep and drove me across county lines to the prison where I was greeted by the two familiar guards who proceeded to bend down and stare at me in my cell. It was very traumatic as you can imagine. Then finally my Mommy arrived and I thought I was safe only to have her and Daddy leave me for the entire long weekend. The guards daughter came to see me and insisted on being "my friend". I did not take to kindly to that and gave her a bite to defend myself only to have it met with retailation. I was thrown off into the cookie batter that was being made while the oven door was open the message was less than subtle. Now, I have cookie batter on my wing, but at least I have evidence of the brutality inflicted upon me. I am going to take pictures and call one of those personal injury attorneys today. The daughter is going to pay for this little incident! I am thankfully back home and I am not letting my Mommy leave my sight for a moment. I keeping tabs on her.