Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fatties and Animals

In my travels I have noticed that fatties have the most unusual pets and many of them. I will admit that I as a Sun Conure am not your typical companion. However, as you gather from my blog my intellect and humor makes me very desirable. I am sure many of you reading this blog wish that you could adopt me. Sorry, I belong to my Mommy and Daddy, aka, Lover.
That being said - I am posing the following question. Why do fatties need to be surrounded by the oddest, most unresponsive, odor producing, nonmammal pets?

I can think of one fattie who has a snake, a crab, a reptile of some sort and of course, too many cats to count. Another who has dogs that run wild; birds that pick their feathers, something I never do because I have a normal home life; and fish - I mean what you can expect to bond with a fish over?

I fail to comprehend the need for such an abundance of strangeness. In addition I know the amount of attention that I require and I can't help but feel bad for these pets because they are being emotionally neglected. However, it does not surprise me that their owners only care about themselves.

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