Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Out of Shape

I heard from the hawks circling yesterday that Daddy and Mommy took Nini to the tennis court to let her run around, what a scene that must have been. Supposedly, the little rat chased the ball for all of a minute and then ran in circles around the net like an alligator was chasing her only to finally have her tongue dragging on the ground with the rest of her body. I hope that Daddy was embarassed to tears by that display. Then I heard that she couldn't even make it down the hall to her condo, Daddy had to carry her sorry ass. She yawned her way through the rest of the day and then she was asleep in my Mommy's arms by 7. She couldn't even make it through the Wheel, not that she would be able to solve any of the simple puzzles. I won't even waste my time with that show I save my intelligence for Jeopardy.

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