Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bark at Blacks

I already have received my first report in regards to Nini. Apparently, she went to a pet store to get a "Florida crate" and there was an incident. She was fine with all the white patrons in the store. However, when a black policewoman came in the barking and growling started. Oh, she makes me proud. I see that the little time that I have spent with her has been meaningful. It warms my heart to know that she did listen to my rants about blacks she has taken up her crusade against them....big or small....tall or uniform or jail jumpsuits...she will not be deterred in her quest. Daddy, of course, had mixed emotions of embarrassment and awe. He had to discipline her because they were in public and I had forewarned her to be careful Daddy will agree with you in the car and then yell at you in front of others, so that he looks tolerant. What a way to end 2009.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post.