Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Obama and Time

If I see one more Time Magazine cover with a picture of Obama on it, I'm going to call in the "troops" for the inaugration and it won't be pretty. You will be paying little attention to the Bible Obama is using when the Hawks swoop in and tear it and him to shreds. At least Newsweek has the decency to not promote a black man every week on their cover. My God, what is wrong with Time. Another media outlet whose judgment I question is 60 Minutes. If I see one more Obama interview or last week where the whole hour was devoted to him, I am going to give Andy Rooney something to complain about as he walks to the subway for his precious baseball game in the spring. I can't take this pro Obama media. It's like all the reporters drank the Oprah kool aid. They should be careful - they could end up just as fat as her!

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