Monday, December 1, 2008

It's That Time of Year...

Yes, my good friends it's that time of year when the world falls in love isn't that how the song goes? Of course, I celebrate Christmas even though I am Jewish. I figure I can fake it just as good as a Christian. My beloved Mommy is in Florida, but the Saturday that she comes back she has to go to a cookie exchange and she is required to bring a recipe. Below is my Mommy's favorite cookie recipe...

Tracy’s Surprise Christmas Cookies

Step One
How can I avoid cooking during the holiday season.
Step Two
Remember that’s what bakeries are for…
Step Three
Preheat your car before you get in for your trip, no need to endure any more pain than necessary!
Step Four
Google directions to Wholly Cannoli.
Step Five
Keep killing time with email while waiting for your car to heat to 70°. It’s also good time to delete people from your Christmas Card Excel file because you keep track of these things.
Step Six
Now you are ready to for your trip, make sure you have preselected your driving music as you don’t want to listen another corny Christmas song during this joyous season.
Step Seven
Circle the lot and beat someone out for your prime spot , preferably an old person.
Step Eight
Enter and make your selection don’t worry you will have plenty of time to change your mind when you are constantly ignored by the staff.
Step Nine
Don’t stare at one of the owners, John, in his tight jeans and sequenced shirt this is his normal daytime attire.
Step Ten
Now you have your cookies in hand and are paying for them when you see something in the case that you can’t resist and you know you deserve it, so you buy it, no one is with you and who’s watching as you stuff it into your mouth whole as you drive to the party.

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