Friday, October 10, 2008

My Friends

My friends, I'm putting it out there that I want Senator McCain to have a full mental evaluation. I question several things. First I feel that he is displaying the early signs of Alzheimer's Disease by some of his responses in his last debate with Obama. At one point he said that Social Security is an "easy thing to fix". If it is so easy, then why in his 26 years as Senator has he failed to propose one bill to "fix it". I think that he forgot that he was a Senator when he made that comment. Then he went into his feelings on Iraq and how he's not going to lose this war. This statement brings up his several mental health issues - first his anger management issues, second his failure to grasp reality, third his memory and finally, his hostility and possible flashbacks. Senator McCain gives me the impression that he is talking in a low voice like someone does when they are beyond the point of angry and that he will snap any second when he addressed the audience. But that aside, how can he be that out of touch with Americans? We have not won a war since the World Wars or has McCain forgotten that in his quest to emulate Teddy Roosevelt. Third, his fascination with trying to avenge Vietnam has to stop. This prisoner of war business has really gone to his head. Therefore, I implore Senator McCain to seek help and check himself into the nearest mental hospital. As an added bonus, it will give him yet another reason to suspend his campaign as he keeps trying to do.

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