Tuesday, October 28, 2008

McCain and Obama

So, the race is neck and neck that is with the votes that have already been cast. Where are my good black friends? McCain calls everyone that isn't his friend - his friend, so I don't feel the least bit like a hypocrite with my black friend comment. Look, no one I know and no one I want to know has blacks as their friends. Who does? Those people that do still cringe deep down even if they don't want to admit it. Nevertheless, I think that it is time for a black man in the White House and time to pimp out the Presidential Limousine. I am waiting for the State of the Union Address to be done in the form of a rap.

1 comment:

Maui Hater said...

Maui stole my comment, and didn't even post it correctly. It should have read...do ***not*** believe Maui's veiled comments - he's a closet racist who is backing Biden, not O'Bama.