Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Debate

Well, my friends (a phrase, which McCain stole from me and has overused), I watched the ill fated debate last night. It was comical to see how upset McCain was. I do have some advice for McCain for the next debate. First of all, leave Joe out of it. He didn't do anything to you and don't try to put him between you and Obama. You sound like a bitter divorced old woman who uses her children for attention and as leverage against her ex-husband. Secondly, take a Tums or a Zantac before the next debate. The indigestion on national television is hardly becoming. Thirdly, take a Nitroglycerin before the next debate. At points I thought that you were going to have a heart attack with your anger. Fourth, take a Xanax, I'm sure you can find one and other goodies like that in your wife's purse. It might make you seem a little less than the old, stubborn hot head we all know deep down that you are. Finally, I am observing how angry and downright mad you get at Obama and at losing this election and it makes me wonder how are you going to be in negogiating with foreign leaders when you don't get your way. You are like a little kid having a temper tantrum and then apologizing after the fact. It's growing old much like you. Oh, one more thing the public financing for your campaign. I think you need to mention how you almost lost your bid for the race entirely when you totally mismanaged and overspent your funds before New Hampshire. To sum it up, "Congratulations, John, you just lost an election to a black man".

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