Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Neighborhood Shit

Well, I guess in the course of walking our rat and my grandparents dust ball my Daddy ran into a confrontation with one of the neighbors. Let me put on my surprise face. I saw and heard the whole thing from my window high above the street. It was a typical raw, dreary, rain pre-spring day in lovely New England when my Daddy was out with the dust ball. Out of no where a crazed, heavyset neighbor came flying out of her house as if my Daddy had a twinky in his hand. She verbally assaulted my Daddy that he was shitting in her yard. Now, my Daddy has done many things, but he has never shit anywhere inappropriate. Then her husband came out and he was pointing to shit on the tree belt and accusing my Daddy of being responsible for it, which of course he denied. Then neighbors went in their house and my Daddy and the dust ball moised on home shaking their heads. Arguing over whose shit it is - is a new all time low for my Daddy.

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