Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Charlie Sheen

I have avoided addressing Charlie Sheen and his behavior for some time now, but it must be done. Let me start by saying Charlie Sheen is a good man and he has a point. I am slightly disappointed that his little tv show was cancelled, but networks have small minds. They fail to understand the ratings he would have brought in had the "show go on". Oh well, now that are all out of a job - what fools. I have written Charlie Sheen to let me in on his gig with the Goddesses, but have not heard back yet. I am sure he has his hands "full" at the moment. Oh, that poor soul. I am officially starting the "I'm not Insane, I'm Sheen" Club if anyone would like to join. In order to qualify for membership, one must have spoken or acted out of place or inappropriately and it must be videoed as documentation. Good luck to all future members! I'm off to watch a few reruns of "Two and a Half Men".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Maui- I wonder if you know anything about the Facebook virus spreading the news Charlie Sheen is dead??? Muahahaha!