Monday, March 1, 2010

Daddy is Painting

That's right my Daddy is in Grafton painting and then going out for high end meals at Dino's. I think that he is using the painting as an excuse to "treat himself". It disgusts me. White and Black Dave can attest to it. White Dave even had the audacity to post a picture on facebook of Daddy living it up...Can you believe it? They are just throwing it in my face while I sit here with a rodent that licks her ass and the two prison guards. I could go for a nice meal once in awhile and we all know how I love a good red wine. You think that he would at least bring me home leftovers...I know better than to get my hopes up! I'm not an idiot. He doesn't even bring me home a slice of bread. The rodent is to oblivious to know what is going on, but I have my spies and I can smell it on him when he returns home.


DAVE said...
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DAVE said...

LOW BLOW LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!