Friday, February 19, 2010

Letters of Apology

I want to know on any given day how many letters of apology Obama has ready to be sent out to those that he has offended. I am thinking he must have thousands of ways of saying "I'm a jackass". Perhaps, he starts out with "my remark was taken out of context" and then moves on to "George Bush is the real problem here". He recently had to apologize to the mayor of Las Vegas for discouraging people from going there and spending their money on such nonsense. While I don't necessarily disagree with the intent of the message, I think it could have been phrased a little softer. Something like if you want a hooker shop local first don't feel that you need to go to Las Vegas, remember every area has a bad section. I think then the mayor would not have been so offended because then you are not just picking on one area. It would have been more subtle. Obama just needs to tone down his message and remember to promote something. People are more receptive to that kind of message. With Toyota he could say "Toyota is unstoppable" - it could be good or it could be a dig at the braking issue.


Anonymous said...

Good points, my friend. Everyone wants to go to Vegas to get wild but there are just as many hard working hookers right in your own back yard. And, with all the money you'd save on travel, you wouldn't have to settle for the transvestite.

Maui said...

You are correct, my anonymous friend. You are very insightful...are you a transvetite? Just curious...I need to expand my transvetite base of friends.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised you are "right-winged" most species are. Move to the "left wing" for an uplifting flight

Anonymous said...

I'm not a TV, but was duped once in Vegas by one. I got a handful, so to speak. Oh, and I'm not the nut who wrote about being a liberal to this post. You tree huggers wipe ur faces with Obama's dirty undies!