Tuesday, July 29, 2008

M & M

M & M, you may be asking yourselves - what does that stand for in this world full of acronyms? McCain and Melanoma. That's right he went in for another biopsy my friends. Obama doesn't visit the troops and this shortcoming is big news. McCain, however, has diverticulitis, Melanoma and a temper and these conditions are laughed off by McCain and the media. I was watching my favorite program last night, Larry King Live. He had on McCain. I found myself agreeing with most of his policies, however, there is something that I find very "old Washington" about him. I am so disgusted by American politics right now. I find that I don't much care for either candidate. Perhaps, we should look to our ancestors for the answer. As we all know the slavery system created wealth, maybe that is our only hope for decreasing the national debt. I just don't know. I stand awake at night going over and over it in my mind and thinking what can I do to get this country back on track. I am contemplating learning Mandarian and moving to China - I want get in on the ground floor of the next super power.

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