Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello to the Netherlands

I have noticed when I checked the stats on my blog and who exactly is reading it that I have a lot of fans in the Netherlands. Welcome friends, countrymen and Netherlandians! Thank you for lending me your ears and eyes. You are clearly more intelligent than the mere stupid American. While I've never been to Netherland (not to be confused with Neverland and that child diddler, shameless self-promoter, 'King of Pop' but can't hold a candle to the real deal, the one and only diva amongst diva's--Celine Dion) I have surely been there in my mind with you. Unlikely, I will ever do a tour stop so you can shower me with praise as I hear from reliable sources that it is "cold as all hell," and I am tropical. Needless to say, you "get" me and for that, you are a people of high moral and intellectual esteem. Now that I think of the Netherlands, I wonder, what sporting events most tickle your fancies? Skiing and hockey, I would imagine--both favs of mine--or perhaps hottubing with big boobed blonde bimbos brimming with booze, vodka and other spritis of the night that make it far easier (yet, not easy enough for the average slob) to stick it where the sun don't shine, if you know what I mean!! Aaah, now I wish I were there with you, my fans. But I digress-I've already praised you too long--don't want anyone getting idea I'm just a regular fella'. Be well, keep reading, and drop me a line now and then to comment on my posts. Au revoir, as you say!!

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