Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cardinal Law

I make no bones about it I'm a die hard Jew. But I was watching a special on the Catholic Church the other night and have decided that they must be following these norms with regards to priests' behavior:

Molest a boy - off to a new parish where you can spread the good word
Molest a girl - mandatory counseling
Rape a young boy - automatic buy to the next round where you'll be crowned bishop
Rape several boys - congratulations you've earned yourself the title, Cardinal
Cover up your priest's crimes and deny them - free relocation trip to Rome
Partake in a hate crime by murdering thousands of innocent Jews - we will call you Pope

Do as I say, not as I do for I'm a Catholic not a Jew.


Anonymous said...

Too true, dude!

DAVE said...

You got that right Maui!!!!!

Persis Terrian said...

I saw this blog up on my neice's facebook page and couldn't believe my eyes when I read even a tiny bit of it! I immediately told her mother and I must say, as a Catholic and holy person, with a son a priest, you are a very very sick man. My church and my son are about loving people and I for one have NEVER molested anyone and I know many many more Catholics who have never dared to lay a hand on anyone without their permission. You are obviously a Jew and hate Catholics and try to use a terrible and isolated incident to put down a wonderful church. God will judge you, sir, and God will treat you very harshly come judgement day for your blasphemy. And should i ever see you, I will personally slap your face because your sins are unforgivable.

Brenda B-P said...

now thats funny!

Anonymous said...

Greeting from Maui - I am having my grandmother - the old fart - type a few words. " F'n cold up here while my mommy sits on the beach with the little Italian (who has a fur coat on - go figure). Daddy please forgive me and have me join you - I promise not to bite the hand that feeds me. We could do the tropical pirate look with me on your shoulder and drink rum at the Tiki bar.