Thursday, June 11, 2009

Style and Have to Ask Why

So, my mommy went to the Cheesecake Factory last night and met her friend. She didn't bring me back any left overs, but I digress, not that I didn't put in my order before she left. Anyway, she came home and described some of the outfits that she saw when she was waiting. Two shades of lime on one outfit to just name a few. Clothes that don't fit right and rolls exposed. I told her that there are simple rules to fashion and I will share them with you, my loyal reader.
1. Never, but NEVER wear a print. Solid colors only
2. If you wear a crazy color, ie lime or pink, that is the only color that you wear. You offset with white it's not a dress.
3. Wear clothes that fit "squeezing" into anything is never appropriate.
4. For women high heels are a must, they dress up any outfit.
5. Don't wear anything that rests below or above the naval if you can remember Reagan's policies.
6. Hair, please, don't be one of those who can say I have never changed my hair style since high school.
7. Finally, jewelry. Don't bother if it's not real.

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