Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mr. Feldman's Attack

Hello, my dear friends I wanted to update you as to my progress and adjustment to being back home. At first when I saw Daddy I was excited and could not get enough of him. Now the mere sight of him turns my stomach and enrages me beyond comprehension. Yesterday morning while he lay snoring I began my attack. I descended to the floor - I had to let myself fall to the floor because my wings have been clipped by those Jew hating bastards where I spent the month of February. I landed on some pillows near the side of the bed and began climbing them to reach him while he slept and unleash my havoc on his face. However, my attentive Mommy swooped me up off the floor, as if I had accidentially landed there, and put me back in my cage. I was then locked in - apparently, she could see the writing on the wall when she left. I now request that Daddy refer to me as Mr. Feldman until further notice.

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