Friday, May 21, 2010

Black Pussy

She is still hanging around my house and sitting on the stoop staring into space. When I don't see her outside, I know that she is inside watching Oprah. It makes me sick. I want to yell at her, "get a job, stop mooching off the white man". I don't dare because you never how "that type" will react. One minute they are all playful and the next minute the claws are out. It makes me so angry and I blame Obama for not only allowing it, but encouraging it with all his unemployment extensions. This country has turned into a wasteland for degenerates like my neighbor. They don't work, hang out all day, know your business, encroach on your backyard, look at you like there is something wrong with you for trying to better yourself, and they become really nasty and the hair on their neck stands up if you suggest that they at least try to contribute to society. It disgusts me.


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling, that black pussy can be so demanding, wanting all the attention for that lack they get at home, and sitting on the couch being useless. What a life!

DAVE said...