Monday, March 9, 2009

Delusional Kool Aid

Where can I get some? Everyone seems to have their own stash - Bush had it be the case, the Republicans brew it, and people that I know suck it down. Since when did living in a neighborhood with broken windshields and trash in the trees, be spun as a sought after location?
Also, women I have to say that I think by far you are the biggest consumers of it all! Let's start with your views with men "I'll change him", "I can't leave", "he doesn't mean it". What is with this creature that they fail to accept reality when it is staring them right in the face? I think it's a shortcoming and a neediness and the only thing that can explain it is swigging down the Kool Aid. My Mommy and I say "FUCK IT" we are reality bound, regardless, of what the rest of the world is drinking.

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