Thursday, July 9, 2009


My Mommy and Daddy are not having a prenup amongst themselves, but I am demanding one. First off with the complicated adoption papers as can only be expected when you cross species adopt and the religious differences, I need to ensure that I will not lose any of my precious assets that I have entering this arrangement. Therefore, I am asking for your help to find me independent counsel for the adoption paperwork and prenup. Items that are non negogitable in the prenup are as follows: my house, my jungle gym, my cozy, and most importantly my nest. I am willing to compromise on the remote when Larry King is not on CNN. I am also williing to compromise on my diet. I see no need to eat just seed when I can have dinner with Mommy and Daddy, especially when Daddy cooks. I also do not need to dig my claws in when it comes to sharing the computer. I can be on the keyboard as he surfs the web, Mommy and I work fine that way. Finally, I am willing to allow Daddy to sleep in my room as long as he does not talk or look at me between 9 PM and 7 AM.

1 comment:

Melissa S. said...

I am applying for the job to be Maui's independent council. Seeing as I am unqualified I do not believe the fees will be too steep for a bird of his means. I am willing to work "pro bono" in return for Howie's cooking but that will most likely be a conflict of interest.....