Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Live in a Zoo

I'm literally surrounded by assholes. They just sit and stare at me all day long. I scream in their face to no avail. Sometimes Daddy gets mad and puts me outside...can you believe it, like I'm the problem. He is so manipulated by them, especially by the little one. I watch her ride the big guy's ears like it's some kind of carnival ride and then finally when he's had enough he turns on her and she yelps. Of course that is when the biggest idiot of them all jumps from his chair yelling without asking questions. I think to myself you have an eyewitness right here. This is not the retirement that I pictured in sunny Florida. Two assholes and then me shoved outside to be hawk bate. I take it back I don't live in a zoo, I think that would be a step up from here.

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